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Janet Alston Jackson




Flower in Sunlight

Better Relationships with
Self and Others

Janet Alston Jackson

Mindfulness Speaker/Teacher



"Janet shows us how to love and also how to let go. This allows us to remain in control of our own minds instead of trying to control what is outside of us."

~Thich Nhat Hahn

World-renowned Zen master, peace and human rights activist.  

Nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize
by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Hahn is known as the  Godfather of Mindfulness

"Janet shows us how to love and also how to let go. This allows us to remain in control of our own minds instead of trying to control what is outside of us. " 

-Thich Nhat Hanh 


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USA Book News Award-winning author Janet Alston Jackson’s latest books, “Mindfulness Meditations: Easy Mindful Exercises to Daily Live In the Moment” and “Mindfulness Meditations Journal,” are powerful tools to help you release stress, focus, and build resilience for a happier life.



Janet Alston Jackson is an inspiring Mindfulness teacher.  For 20-years, she has facilitated Mindfulness trainings and keynote speeches to thousands in companies, organizations, and colleges.. Janet’s teachings evolved from her pain and suffering trying to help her special-needs adopted son, and the stress of working in the lightening-fast paced entertainment industry. Mindfulness was her healer.



Within each of us, there is a power that can aid our ability to release stress and be highly effective in our professional and personal lives. Mindfulness is the key  helping us access the power within.

     You are already whole, perfect, and complete.  It’s only your thoughts and memories that keep you from connecting with your greatness.  However, you can easily master those energies, and tap into that place inside of you where you will find peace, happiness, and abundance.  Mindfulness is not a religion, but you can use it to deepen your spirituality and connect to your Higher Self. You have unlimited potential! Thank you for visiting my site. 

Love, Light and Blessings,

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