Janet Alston Jackson
Better Relationships with
Self and Others
Within each of us, there is a power that, when intentionally activated, can help us release stress, and be highly effective to help us live successful professional and personal lives. This coaching program is your empowerment key.
What You Will Gain
• Re-engage with what is most important to you at work and at home.
• Identify what blocks you from the effectiveness you want—mentally, emotionally and physically.
• Uncover and disengage from the negative impact stress has on your body and mind.
• Achieve focused clarity and sustain peak performance.
• Listen and communicate more effectively—personally and professionally.
Click on the Video to See Heartmath coaching
This Soul life-coaching program combines personalized coaching and a detailed practice plan to meet your personal objectives.
Janet’s spiritual (non-religious) coaching style is loving, inspiring and helps participants to connect with their true selves for success. She believes no one is broken, only misdirected, which can easily be changed. Her teachings include Mindfulness and the HeartMath® System. Janet is certified in Mindfulness, and is a certified coach for HeartMath®, which has been researching the relationship between stress, emotions and health for more than 20 years. This 4-week course is specifically designed to activate this source of intelligence even in the midst of chaos.